Foundation First

Assuming you just transitioned an existing outside practice into your group: Take these things into consideration

  1. You may be excited after seeing the historical metrics, in addition to the newly uncovered onsite potential for growth but do NOT act too fast.

  2. Assess, Gather your thoughts, and Involve the leadership of the office when making key decisions. You need buy-in from the team first in order for real change to mature.

  3. Plan your “roll-out” events over weeks and not days. Too much too soon can overwhelm any team looking to professionalize uncharted territory.

Set a strong foundation during your J-Curve period in order to hit the ground running once you’re out of the blocks. Go with confidence!

Making changes too soon in a business can lead to negative consequences like employee resistance, confusion, decreased productivity, and potential disruption to operations, as people may not have enough time to adapt to new processes or understand the rationale behind the changes, often resulting in a less successful implementation of the new strategy. -AI

Testimonial: Craig, REALLY great “stuff” you put together!! -McVey


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